Brand Shoots

To capture the essence of a brand in its natural environment is the goal of the brand shoot. Real people using products in real life activities that are closest to the core of a brand. For this shoot, Professional Fly fishing guides Catie Kahn and Daniel Weddle were photographed at home and on a camping trip through the highlands of the American Southeast. Photographed by Christina Holmes.

Great Smoky Mts. Road Trip

We travelled to the Xflats Lodge in the Southern Yucatan peninsula and Utila, Honduras with a team of anglers to fish for Bonefish, Permit, and Tarpon. Despite a hurricane and some scheduling issues involving our charter flight and the local military, we still managed to get our names on the famous Permit wall. Photographed by William Hereford

The Xflats: Xcalak, Mexico
& Utila, Honduras

Product Photography



